Serviced Apartments in Angola

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All you need to know about Angola

Country Facts - Angola

Angola offers a blend of African tradition and Portuguese colonial heritage, evident in its architecture, music, and cuisine. Luanda, the bustling capital, juxtaposes modernity with history, while the countryside reveals untouched wilderness, inviting adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike.

The country's coastlines boast some of the continent's most beautiful beaches, like Cabo Ledo, perfect for surfing. Meanwhile, inland, the Kalandula Falls and Kissama National Park showcase Angola's commitment to conservation.

Angola's economy, powered by oil and diamonds, is rapidly growing, making it a promising destination for business and investment. Its strategic location along the Atlantic Ocean enhances its appeal as a gateway to exploring the rich tapestry of African cultures.

Why Choose a Serviced Apartment in Angola

For travelers seeking simplicity and convenience, serviced apartments in Angola offer modern amenities, including Wi-Fi and housekeeping, ensuring a comfortable stay whether you're here for business or exploration.

Key Facts about Angola:

  • Capital: Luanda
  • Population: Approximately 32 million
  • Official Language: Portuguese
  • Currency: Angolan Kwanza (AOA)
  • Time Zone: West Africa Time (WAT)
  • Main Exports: Oil, diamonds
  • Internet Domain: .ao
  • International Dial Code: +244

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