Cost of Serviced Apartments - A Comparison

Cost comparison calculator

Input the number of nights you need and we’ll show you how the cost of a serviced apartment compares to a hotel room.

Total price of stay
Saving percentage
Serviced Apartment
% saving
Saving per night

For a 8 night stay , a typical serviced apartment is £160 cheaper than a hotel. and you’ll also have the added benefits of more space and privacy.

The cost comparison is based on sample rates from the table on the right. below.

For the best rates available, contact our dedicated Account Management team on +44 (0)20 8090 8090.

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Cost comparison breakdown

This table shows how the cost of a serviced apartment reduces long-term while the cost of a hotel remains static.

Accommodation type
Nightly rate based on stay of:
1-6 nights
7-27 nights
28-89 nights
90+ nights
Example hotel
Example serviced apartment

A one night stay in a serviced apartment is roughly the same as a hotel.

The cost comparison verdict

1 night stays:

A 1 night stay in a serviced apartment is roughly the same as a hotel.

7 night stays:

A 7 night stay in a serviced apartment is roughly 15% cheaper than a hotel.

30 night stays:

A 30 night stay in a serviced apartment is roughly 25% cheaper than a hotel.

90 night stays:

For stays of 90 nights or more, a serviced apartment is roughly 40% cheaper than a hotel.

Cost comparison infographic

Take a look at our cost comparison infographic to find out how much you could save.

Serviced apartments vs hotels infographic

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