On the 14th and 18th of September our Lancaster and London SilverDoor offices, respectively, achieved COVID-19 Aware Accreditation following audits carried out by Common Sense Compliance (CSC) health and safety accreditor.
Having moved the entire SilverDoor workforce to home working conditions throughout lockdown, we worked hard to ensure our offices were fully prepared for the inevitable return to offices in August. With a history of working closely with CSC in both our partner compliance programme and our enhanced COVID-19 guidelines for property partners, we are fully aware of the excellent practices and recommendations put forward by CSC as an expert health and safety accreditation body. Achieving this accreditation was a clear indication that the safety systems we have implemented are robust and effective.
The comprehensive audit carried out by CSC involved a detailed inspection of the processes we have put in place to ensure colleague safety, such as daily cleaning procedures, walkway systems, desk spacing, and availability of antibacterial and sanitisation products for all staff members. Receiving an average score of 95% across both offices, we are delighted to see that the measures in place are providing an excellent level of safety and protection to our staff. The small room there is for improvement will be acted upon by our dedicated HR and Facilities teams to further optimise our safety levels.
Our Chief People Officer, Imogen Brettell, has played a key role in coordinating the return to office process for our team. She said of the implemented changes, "Our employees are our greatest asset; it was of the utmost importance to us that we provided a clean and safe office for our team to return to. Following a robust risk assessment, we implemented several changes that have enabled our employees to socially distance whilst working together and maximising productivity. This work does not stop; we are constantly reviewing our procedures to ensure we stay one step ahead of the government guidance to keep our employees safe."
More information about the CSC COVID-19 Accreditation can be found here.